After the weekend of socializing and visiting more friends in Quito, Rachel and I decided to head to a lovely area called Quilotoa for a five day trek through high Andean paramo. It was a unique opportunity to hike from village to village with our packs and not depend entirely on the Ecuadorean bus system. Our trek started in a very small village called Isinlivi and demanded a nine mile hike up and down the Toachi canyon to a village called Chugchilan. The photo above is the view from the loo at the first hotel.

After a few miles on the first day, we cautiously peered into the canyon knowing we had to scale into it and eventually climb back out at the end of the day. Here is Rachel getting deep into the canyon at a narrow gap.

The suspension bridge below was an interesting and shaky highlight at the base of the canyon. We arrived at the other side to lay out our packed lunch and rest our weary backs and feet.