Life at La Luna

Meet our hosts at La Luna, Kevin and Tamara. Rachel and I used to teach with Kevin back in 1998-99 and Tamara has been a friend ever since. They´ve owned La Luna, arguably the most beautiful place in Ecuador, for four years. Some of you may have met Kev and Tamara when they visited us in Chicago in January 2005.

Greetings Donkey Crossing readers! We´ve finally made it out of the city and are frolicking high and isolated in the Andes. We´re currently staying at a wonderful place called La Luna, about a 90 minute walk from the center of a small artisan town called Otavalo. The photo above is of the volcano Imbabura. It´s a very grand presence as you look to the northeast from Kevin and Tamara´s gorgeous property. The photo was taken from in front of the little house we´ve been staying in the past couple nights.
Our days have been spent acclimatizing to the altitude and taking walks with Kevin and three of their beautiful dogs...Milky, Chewy and Rumi. We plan to summit Imbabura within the next couple weeks, but will first test our lungs on the summit of an ominous peak called Fuya Fuya located at the beautiful Lagunas de Mojanda about 10 kilometers uphill from La Luna. That expedition is tentatively planned for Sunday. We´ll let you know how we do!
That´s all for now. Time to grab some provisions from the market and head back up to La Luna. Hopefully we won´t have to come back down to civilization until next week!
safe travels, thinkin' about ya's...drinky drinky lots o agua on yer hikes!!
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